Acorn Housing | Process
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Acorn housing is made up of 3 main elements which help create our innovative approach. The 3 main elements are Allocation, relocation and integration. All these steps are needed to give our Tenants the best start.


    • Council referral to Network Housing Solutions
    • Communicate with local authority officers to get the most suitable service for the client
    • Evaluation of needs and requirements
    • Local authority will provide us with the completed booking form
    • Brochure of all properties suited for client sent
    • Client selects property from options given
    • Match to new home
    • Property set to client
    • Move in date allocated


    • Vehicle arranged for client and their belongings
    • Stay in touch with client and Acorn Housing staff to make sure the journey goes well
    • Acorn staff stay in contact with removals team to ensure safe arrival of belongings
    • Client meet at station and are taken to the property
    • Warm welcome to new home
    • Welcome pack made specifically for client
    • Tour of local amenities
    • 2-year tenancy agreement signed


  • Help with applying for benefits
  • Help with school admissions
  • Help sourcing all relevant school uniforms
  • Support with GP registrations
  • Support with dentist registrations
  • Help with funding applications
  • Help with finding clubs within the community
  • Support finding places of worship
  • Help sourcing further education courses
  • Life skills workshop
  • Job seeking events
  • Community integration workshops
  • Help sourcing everyday goods
  • Budgeting advice and workshops

For the Free Help